Universal Audio Apollo x6 Gen2 Essential i gruppen Live & Studio / Studio / Ljudkort hos Musikanten i Umeå AB (598500)
Universal Audio Apollo x6 Gen2 Essential
Universal Audio Apollo x6 Gen2 Essential
Universal Audio Apollo x6 Gen2 Essential
Universal Audio Apollo x6 Gen2 Essential

Universal Audio Apollo x6 Gen2 Essential

Mittpunkten i din nästa musikproduktion.
Skapa hits med vår mest avancerade Apollo x6 hittills. Med ljudkonvertering i högsta upplösning, två Unison™ mikrofonförförstärkare och UAD-processning i realtid — som låter dig spela in med plug-ins från Neve, API, Manley, Auto-Tune och fler utan latency — ger Apollo x6 dig decennier av inspirerande analogt ljud direkt i ditt rack.
Artnr: 598500
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Universal Audio
31790 kr
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Öppet köp i 14 dagar Fri frakt över 1000 kr Komplett serviceverkstad
  • 6 x UAD DSP Cores
  • 16 x 22 Thunderbolt 3 audio interface with HEXA Core DSP plug-in processing
  • Two Unison™ mic preamps, two Hi-Z instrument inputs, six 1/4" line inputs, two optical Toslink I/O (ADAT S/MUX), RCA coaxial I/O (S/PDIF), word clock I/O (BNC)
  • Two 1/4" monitor outs, six 1/4" line outs (ALT / 5.1 surround), two 1/4" TRS headphone outs
  • Elite-class Apollo X Gen 2 converters with 24-bit / 192 kHz resolution featuring Dual-Crystal Clocking for ultra-low jitter at all sample rates
  • Enhanced D/A for critical monitoring and playback with 130 dB dynamic range and astonishingly low THD of -127 dB
  • Calibrate your main monitor and headphone outputs with Apollo Monitor Correction powered by Sonarworks®
  • Fully-featured monitor controller with alternate speaker switching and integrated talkback for easy communication with talent
  • Updated UAD Console app featuring Auto-Gain, Plug-In Scenes, subwoofer integration with Bass Management, immersive audio support, and more
  • Onboard DSP supports over 200 UAD plug-ins via VST, AU, and AAX 64 formats in all major DAWs
  • Includes up to 50+ UAD plug-ins with Essentials+ or Studio+ Editions
  • Compatible with LUNA, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton Live, and more
  • Expandable with Thunderbolt Apollo interfaces and Dante via Apollo x16D
Plug-ins included with Essentials+

Channel Strips & Preamps (6)

Century Tube Channel Strip
CS-1 Channel Strip
Helios Type 69 Preamp & EQ
Precision Channel Strip
UA 610-A Preamp & EQ
UA 610-B Preamp & EQ

Compressors / Limiters (7)
Fairchild 670 Legacy
Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler
Teletronix LA-2A Gray Classic Leveler
Teletronix LA-2A Silver Classic Leveler
Teletronix LA-2A Legacy Leveling Amplifier
UA 1176LN Legacy
UA 1176SE Legacy

Equalizers (6)
Helios Type 69 Legacy EQ
Pultec EQP-1A Legacy EQ
Pultec EQP-1A Passive EQ
Pultec HLF-3C Passive EQ
Pultec MEQ-5 Passive EQ
Pultec Pro Legacy EQ

Special Processing (4)
Auto-Tune Realtime Access
Oxide Tape Recorder
Precision Enhancer Hz
Verve Analog Machines Essentials

Instruments (1)
PolyMAX Polyphonic Synth

Delay & Modulation (3)
Galaxy Tape Echo
Precision Delay Mod
Precision Delay Mod L

Reverbs & Rooms (3)
Precision Reflection Engine
Pure Plate Reverb
RealVerb Pro Custom Room Modeler

Guitar & Bass (3)
Ampeg SVT-VR Classic Bass Amplifier
Marshall Plexi Classic Amplifier
Raw Distortion

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